Supercharge your Marketing
Supercharge your Marketing

A hand-crafted collection of 70 Marketing Mega-Prompts for Solopreneurs.
Generate a marketing strategy, improve your landing page, and create better content in seconds.
Boost My Marketing
Boost My Marketing
Boost My Marketing
Boost My Marketing
Preview 1 (of 70) Mega-Prompts ↓

7. Learn other relevant prompts

7. Learn other relevant prompts

7. Learn other relevant prompts

1. Find the right prompt in seconds
1. Find the right prompt in seconds
1. Find the right prompt in seconds
2.Check if it’s a good fit for your situation
2.Check if it’s a good fit for your situation
2.Check if it’s a good fit for your situation
2.Check if it’s a good fit for your situation
3. Copy the prompt in one click
3. Copy the prompt in one click
3. Copy the prompt in one click
3. Copy the prompt in one click
4. See the potential response from ChatGPT
4. See the potential response from ChatGPT
4. See the potential response from ChatGPT
5. Personalize the response further
5. Personalize the response further
5. Personalize the response further
5. Personalize the response further
6. Get more value
6. Get more value
6. Get more value
Hear what Solopreneurs are saying about our prompts
Let’s change the way you do marketing
Boost My Marketing
Boost My Marketing
Boost My Marketing
Boost My Marketing
But there are hundreds of free ChatGPT prompts, right?
Absolutely. But Free doesn't mean useful. Here's an example:
Absolutely. But Free doesn't mean useful.
Here's an example:

Tweet ideas from
2-sentence prompt
Tweet ideas from 2-sentence prompt
Tweet ideas from 2-sentence prompt
Tweet ideas from 2-sentence prompt
— No Personalization
— Irrelevant hashtags
— Unstoppable exclamation points
— Chaotic rhetorical questions
— Stupid Tone of voice
— No Personalization
— Irrelevant hashtags
— Unstoppable exclamation points
— Chaotic rhetorical questions
— Stupid Tone of voice
— No Personalization
— Irrelevant hashtags
— Unstoppable exclamation points
— Chaotic rhetorical questions
— Stupid Tone of voice

Tweet ideas from our
1900-character prompt
Tweet ideas from our prompts (1900 characters)
Tweet ideas from our 1900-character prompt
Tweet ideas from our prompts (1900 characters)
— 100% Personallized
— Smart segmentation
— Viral potential
— Organic promotion
— Unconventional ideas
— 100% Personallized
— Smart segmentation
— Viral potential
— Organic promotion
— Unconventional ideas
— 100% Personallized
— Smart segmentation
— Viral potential
— Organic promotion
— Unconventional ideas

That’s why we only have 70 exceptional Mega-Prompts.
We want you to actually use them, not just download and forget about.
That’s why we only have 70 exceptional Mega-Prompts. We want you to actually use them, not just download and forget about.
That’s why we only have 70 exceptional Mega-Prompts. We want you to actually use them, not just download and forget about.
Meet your new marketing co-pilot
Meet your new
marketing co-pilot
Let ChatGPT do the hard work for you

Start today
Start today
Start today
Start today
See results with real-world use cases
Save 10+ hours every month

1. Define your marketing strategy
Get better at planning to improve execution
— Define your Positioning Story
— Define your Positioning Story
️— Describe your Marketing Funnel
️— Describe your Marketing Funnel
— ️Define your Offer & Sales Objections
️— Define your Offer & Sales Objections
️— Define your Offer & Sales Objections
— ️Define your Storytelling Arch
️— Define your Storytelling Arch
️— Define your Storytelling Arch

2. Brainstorm ideas
Use ChatGPT to kick-start every task
— Get 30 tweet ideas
— Get 30 tweet ideas
️— Get 10 influencer marketing ideas
️— Get 10 influencer marketing ideas
— ️️Get 10 subject line variations
️— Get 10 subject line variations
️— Get 10 subject line variations
— ️Get 30 catchy product names
️— Get 30 catchy product names
️— Get 30 catchy product names

3. Get honest feedback
Improve your work without talking to anyone
— Talk to a coach for Solopreneurs
— Talk to a coach for Solopreneurs
️— Get your marketing copy reviewed
️— Get your marketing copy reviewed
— ️Get your new product idea roasted
️— Get your new product idea roasted
️— Get your new product idea roasted
— ️Talk to your target audience Persona avatar
️— Talk to your target audience Persona avatar
️— Talk to your target audience Persona avatar

4. Outsource boring tasks
Let ChatGPT do marketing tasks you hate
— Write cold email templates
— Write cold email templates
— Write cold email templates
️— Generate questions for customer interviews
️— Generate questions for customer interviews
️— Generate questions for customer interviews
— ️️Define your landing page structure
️— Define your landing page structure
️— Define your landing page structure
— Create in-depth plans for your content
— Create in-depth plans for your content
— Create in-depth plans for your content

Hi, it’s Dan from MakerBox
It’s Dan from MakerBox
It’s Dan from MakerBox
We've been creating marketing resources for one year already. Guides, courses, templates, collections — you name it. More than 3000 Indie Founders tried our products.
We've been creating marketing resources for one year already. Guides, courses, templates, collections — you name it. More than 3000 Indie Founders tried our products.
We've been creating marketing resources for one year already. Guides, courses, templates, collections — you name it. More than 3000 Indie Founders tried our products.
But there is a problem.
But there is a problem.
But there is a problem.
Most Startup Founders are not ready to put in the effort. Even when they got the perfect
framework, they procrastinate applying it. It shouldn’t be this way. You deserve a CMO available to improve your marketing 24/7. And our ChatGPT prompts will give it to you.
Most Startup Founders are not ready to put in the effort. Even when they got the perfect
framework, they procrastinate applying it. It shouldn’t be this way. You deserve a CMO available to improve your marketing 24/7. And our ChatGPT prompts will give it to you.
Most Startup Founders are not ready to put in the effort. Even when they got the perfect framework, they procrastinate applying it. It shouldn’t be this way. You deserve a CMO available to improve your marketing 24/7. And our ChatGPT prompts will give it to you.
Most Startup Founders are not ready to put in the effort. Even when they got the perfect
framework, they procrastinate applying it. It shouldn’t be this way. You deserve a CMO available to improve your marketing 24/7. And our ChatGPT prompts will give it to you.
We created 70 marketing mega-prompts based on our best practices for Solopreneurs. Use them to kick-start marketing weeks, get inspiration or outsource tasks you hate.
We created 70 marketing mega-prompts based on our best practices for Solopreneurs. Use them to kick-start marketing weeks, get inspiration or outsource tasks you hate.
We created 70 marketing mega-prompts based on our best practices for Solopreneurs. Use them to kick-start marketing weeks, get inspiration or outsource tasks you hate.
Doing marketing has never been easier.
Doing marketing has never been easier.
Doing marketing has never been easier.
Supercharge your marketing with ChatGPT
Marketing Mega-Prompts
Marketing Mega-Prompts
Marketing Mega-Prompts
One-time payment
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use promo code MARCH50 on the checkout (50% off)
use MARCH50 on the checkout (50% off)
use MARCH50 on the checkout (50% off)
Adapted for Solopreneurs in 2025
Step-by-step onboarding & instructions
Lifetime access & duplicatable database
Marketing Bundle
One-time payment
Get it
use promo code MARCH50 on the checkout (50% off)
use MARCH50 on the checkout (50% off)
use MARCH50 on the checkout (50% off)
70 Marketing Mega-Prompts for ChatGPT
Video course to build AI Wrapper in 5 days
100 marketing ideas to grow faster
50 marketing frameworks to bring clarity
Video course to upgrade your positioning
Why can’t I use free ChatGPT prompts?
Isn’t ChatGPT only good at creating content?
How exactly is it tailored to Solopreneurs’ needs?
Do I need a paid subscription to ChatGPT?
Can I use these prompts in Bard and other tools?
Why can’t I use free ChatGPT prompts?
Isn’t ChatGPT only good at creating content?
How exactly is it tailored to Solopreneurs’ needs?
Do I need a paid subscription to ChatGPT?
Can I use these prompts in Bard and other tools?
Why can’t I use free ChatGPT prompts?
Isn’t ChatGPT only good at creating content?
How exactly is it tailored to Solopreneurs’ needs?
Do I need a paid subscription to ChatGPT?
Can I use these prompts in Bard and other tools?
Start using ChatGPT to its full capacity
Start using ChatGPT
to its full capacity
Start using ChatGPT
to its full capacity
Get instant access to 70 marketing mega-prompts for Solopreneurs
Get instant access to 70 marketing
mega-prompts for Solopreneurs
Get instant access to 70 marketing mega-prompts for Solopreneurs
Get Marketing Mega-Prompts
Get Marketing Mega-Prompts
Get Marketing Mega-Prompts
Get Marketing Mega-Prompts